April 2024 Newsletter

Posted on March 31st, 2024

April 2024 Newsletter






Year To Date

Fiscal Year Budget Over (Under) Budget
Revenue $37,395 $362,302    
  Personnel Costs 7,226 59,373 126,100 (66,727)
  Maintenance 15,680 158,326 201,120 (42,794)
  Utilities 6,634 48,857 72,400 (23,543)
  Interest 0 2,198 3,200 (1,002)
  Professional Fees 6,050 26,210 25,200             1,010
  Office & Miscellaneous 305 2,473 5,000 (2,527)
     Total Expenses $35,895 $297,437 $433,020 ($135,583)
Income $1,500 $64,895    
      Current Year Prior Year
Expenses as a Percentage of Budget     68.7% 72.6%
Operating Cash Balance     $125,847 $70,631
Amount Owed to Other Funds     $58,129 $48,177
Outstanding Line of Credit     $0 $0


 Billing invoices

Reminding you that billing invoices are now sent electronically to primary email addresses at the beginning of each month.  If you don’t receive yours, please check your junk folder and contact Gretchen Cleary at 231 347-4136.


Access Codes to Pool and Clubhouse

It is a routine business practice to periodically change access codes to Lakeside Club keyless entry devices. 

New access codes became effective March 11, 2024.  The Lakeside Club website lists the codes on the

Owners Page—Owners—Codes and Contacts.

                Pool house     C4675       

                Clubhouse         2453            Renters do not have access to the clubhouse or gym equipment.



  • Geese deterrent was applied during our heat wave.
  • Tree removal is ongoing by staff and a tree service is scheduled for additional work.
  • Tennis/Pickleball courts will be cleaned and nets put back up.
  • Lawn and garden damage from plow/snow removal will be repaired by Evergreen.
  • Our streetlights are being repaired.  A section of wire needs to be replaced and 40-year-old junction boxes will be cleaned.  We are also replacing the old bulbs with LED lighting.


Rental Procedures

Rental Procedure information has been updated on the Lakeside Club website.  If you are an owner who rents out a unit, please visit the website and read all information listed under the Rental tab.  You will need to login as this tab is located on the Owners Page.

                                                petoskeylsc.com              (password) LSC76Owners

 The LSC website has been updated to manage rental agreements.  Owners who rent out their units submit an Intent to Rent form with information about their own rental procedures.  When accepted by the Board of Directors, a letter is returned via email that includes a link to the LSC Rental Agreement that is completed and submitted online by prospective renters. 

Following submission of the online rental agreement, copies of the agreement are automatically emailed to the renter, the owner (or designee), and Lakeside Club.  The last page of the agreement is a parking pass that renters must print and display on dashboards of their vehicles (not more than two) during their stay.

Pool/Hot Tub Closing

Each year, the pool and hot tub need major maintenance work and Spring Cleaning.  The pool house will be closed starting April 8 and remain closed for approximately three weeks while tile work, painting, and other maintenance work is done.

Project Updates:

Rear Deck Supports and Deck Header Replacement – Building D (Unit 13-22):  Project is underway.


John Lehman shares information from the LSC website and info about Local Events and Activities in April.

                                                petoskeylsc.com              (password) LSC76Owners

Web pages of the month: RENTAL menu Rental Procedures, Rental Amenities, and Owner Intent to Rent form

If you currently rent or plan to rent your unit, you must be familiar with the procedures described on the Rental Procedures page and the rules that your renters must follow.  For example, you need to know that a Rental Agreement must be submitted via the LSC website at least 7 days before your renters arrive, and that renters cannot bring pets, motorcycles, or certain other motorized vehicles and watercraft with them.


Local Events and Activities in April

Notice that many of the following events are offered online, so they are available for members who are not currently at Lakeside Club. To copy the web address of an event easily, use the LSC website’s version of this Newsletter.

Hampton Sides and Amy Tan are among the writers featured in National Writers’ Series events to be live-streamed from the Traverse City Opera House in April and May. (https://nationalwritersseries.org/product-category/upcoming-events/)

If you plan to attend the “2024 Aldo Leopold Festival” in the Les Cheneaux Islands on May 29-June 2, register early—registration begins April 1. (https://landtrust.org/events-template/2024-aldo-leopold-festival/)

From 10 am to 5 pm currently through May 3, enjoy the many art works of the “Youth Art Show 2024” at the Crooked Tree Center for the Arts. (https://www.crookedtree.org/event/ctac-petoskey/youth-art-show-2024-petoskey)

At 5:30 pm on Tuesdays or Thursdays starting April 2 or April 4, participate in a “Gentle Yoga in the Evening” class at NCMC led by Jennifer Lovely. (https://www.ncmclifelonglearning.com/event-5636616) or (https://www.ncmclifelonglearning.com/event-5636641)

Starting at 10 am from April 2 to May 11, see the exhibition “Emergent Artists 2024,” a collection of NCMC student works at the Crooked Tree Center for the Arts. (https://www.crookedtree.org/event/ctac-petoskey/emerging-artists-2024-collection-ncmc-student-works)

At 3 pm on April 3 and April 10, attend 2 online sessions on “Native Voices of the Great Lakes” with Linda Keway. (https://www.ncmclifelonglearning.com/event-5660825)

At 1 pm on April 4, attend an in-person class on the book The Radium Girls that includes a lecture, the book, and a live performance on April 13. (https://www.ncmclifelonglearning.com/event-5560087)

From 10 am to 1 pm on April 6, 13, 20 or 27, participate in CTACs “Open Studio,” with drop-in arts and crafts activities for the whole family. (https://www.crookedtree.org/event/ctac-petoskey/open-studio-april-6)

From 5 pm-8 pm on April 6, enjoy the music of the blues, roots, and Americana duet “Crosscut Kings” at Pond Hill Farm. (https://www.pondhill.com/farm-happening-details/qguxoo8jmdssxsatmtywfessqr36zv-d73e6-msh2d-7ce64-anwne-xr4zm-n86zy)

At 7 pm on April 6, enjoy a performance by Dave Bennett’s Quartet at the Great Lakes Center for the Arts, with an onstage option reminiscent of classic jazz clubs of the past. (https://www.greatlakescfa.org/events/detail/the-dave-bennett-quartet)

At 2 pm on April 7, watch the classic movie “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” at the Great Lakes Center for the Arts. (https://www.greatlakescfa.org/events/detail/who-framed-roger-rabbit)

At 4 pm on April 7, enjoy a concert by the ensemble “Reperio” at the First Presbyterian Church in Boyne City. (https://www.boynechamber.com/events/details/great-lakes-chamber-orchestra-presents-reperio-in-free-sunday-series-recital-18678)

At 7 pm on April 7, watch the classic movie “Little Shop of Horrors” at the Great Lakes Center for the Arts. (https://www.greatlakescfa.org/events/detail/little-shop-of-horrors)

At 1:30 pm on Mondays from April 8 to May 13, attend 6 online sessions about “The Sound of Rock and Pop in the 50s & 60s” with Michael Agron. (https://www.ncmclifelonglearning.com/event-5660731)

At approximately 2 pm on April 8, you can experience a “Total Solar Eclipse Viewing Event,” with solar glasses provided, at Raven Hill Discovery Center. (https://www.michigan.org/event/total-solar-eclipse-viewing-event)

At 7 pm on Mondays from April 8 through May 15, attend an in-person workshop on “The Basics of Improv” with Dean Tahtinen. (https://www.ncmclifelonglearning.com/event-5647724)

St 12 noon on April 11, attend a lecture “Tips and Tricks to Manage Back and Neck Pain” with Jeff Samyn. (https://www.ncmclifelonglearning.com/event-5655729)

At 2 pm or 7 pm on April 13, or 2 pm or 7 pm on April 14, see John Logan’s Tony Award winning play “Red,” a look at the dynamic relationship between artists and their creations. (https://www.greatlakescfa.org/events/detail/red)

Beginning at 4 pm on April 13 at Pond Hill Farms, enjoy country music singer Ty Parkin and his band “The Old Souls.” (https://www.pondhill.com/farm-happening-details/ty-parkin-fwrg8-3cdey-k7dtz-gkljp)

Beginning at 4 pm on April 13, enjoy a “Winemaker’s Tasting” with wine and cheese pairings at Walloon Lake Winery. (https://petoskeyarea.com/events/winemakers-tasting/)

At 6 pm from April 15, through May 20, take a 6-week course “Beginning and Intermediate Group Guitar” with Owen James. (https://www.ncmclifelonglearning.com/event-5653178)

At 11:30 am on April 19, attend a “Seniors and Social Media,” luncheon lecture at NCMC about social media addiction and online scams that target seniors, presented by Corey Hebner of the Michigan State Police. (https://www.ncmclifelonglearning.com/event-5492984)

At 7 pm on April 19, attend CTACs “Big Water Creative Arts” student jazz and rock band performance. (https://www.crookedtree.org/event/ctac-petoskey/big-water-creative-arts-ctac-present-student-showcase-2024)

At 5:30 pm on April 20, attend the “Prohibition-era Murder Mystery Dinner” at the Boathouse on Lake Charlevoix. (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/murder-mystery-dinner-tickets-851136982627?aff=ebdssbcitybrowse)

At 7 pm on April 20, enjoy the Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra’s musical journey, “Dreams of Faraway Lands.” (https://www.greatlakescfa.org/events/detail/faraway-lands)

At 7 pm on April 23, hear the vocal trio “The Accidentals” with full band at the Great Lakes Center for the Arts. (https://www.greatlakescfa.org/events/detail/the-accidentals-release-party)

April is a month of new beginnings.  Enjoy the Trilliums and Morel Mushrooms!

 Thank you to Shelly Germain, Greg Waller, Kevin Kissinger, and John Lehman for their contributions to this newsletter.

Carol Woodhurst